Damaged or Missing Item Policy

Damaged or Missing Item Policy

We strive to ensure that your shopping experience with us is seamless, but we understand that issues such as damaged or missing items may occur. Here is our policy to guide you through such situations:

1. Reporting Damaged Items:

  • If your order arrives with damaged items, please notify us immediately upon receipt.
  • Contact our Customer Support Team at hello@no-snore.co to report the issue.
  • Provide clear details about the damage, including photographs showcasing the extent of the damage.

2. Reporting Missing Items:

  • In the event of missing items in your order, please inform us promptly.
  • Contact our Customer Support Team at hello@no-snore.co to report the missing items.
  • Include your order number and a list of the missing items in your communication.

3. Required Proof:

  • For damaged items, photographic evidence of the damage is essential. Please include clear images of the damaged items as well as the packaging.
  • For missing items, providing a list of the missing items and any relevant information will aid in our investigation.

4. Timely Reporting:

  • To expedite the resolution process, report damaged or missing items as soon as possible upon receiving your order.
  • All claims must be submitted within 24 of order delivery.

5. Resolution Process:

  • Once we receive your report and necessary proof, our team will review the case promptly.
  • If the claim is valid, we will arrange for a replacement or issue a refund, as per your preference.
  • Please note that failure to provide timely and sufficient proof may hinder our ability to process a replacement or refund.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in adhering to these procedures. Our goal is to resolve any issues swiftly and ensure your satisfaction with our products.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our Customer Support Team at hello@no-snore.co.

Thank you for choosing NoSnore